Free mini course 

You are invited to this 5 days free mini course where you will dive deep into your money blocks and how to access and receive your light with money! ✨ When we understand the powerful energy of money, everything starts to shift and I can't wait to share this journey with you here:

Access the mini course here!

Lovenotes from working with Celine:

“Worth more than my coaching education…”

Joining Celine's course was more worth than my very expensive coaching education. Working with her got me to feel how deeply meaningful and rich life can be! Finally I know my soul's purpose, and my whole career life has turned upside down! What she teaches through awakening speaking has given me so much power! These are things I've never learned through school or other education, but it has changed my life in so much bigger scale. 

- Astrid, @sprudlendelivsstil

“Life changing for me! My intuition & awareness has grown so much...”

Celine is an amazing spiritual teacher. Her authenticity, high vibration, love & wisdom is beyond anything I have experienced before. Working with her has been life changing for me, and my intuition and awareness has grown so much. She is truly at the same level as famous names like Oprah, Wayne Dyer, Gary Zukav, Michael Singer, Eckhart Tolle, Neale Donald Walsch, Gabrielle Bernstein, Louise Hay, Anita Moorjani, Joe Dispenza to name a few. Needless to say I am forever grateful to be her student

- Eli, @eliaasheim70

“It's hard to explain in words how life changing this has been...”

It's hard to explain in words what a deep impact Celine has had on my life after joining her course. Because of this - I have finally realised who I am and what I am actually here to do in this world. I launched my first women circle and coached my first 1:1 readings, something I never thought was going to happen. I feel free from my own prison of overwhelm, fear and stress. All changes that has happened in my life, and the results I have gotten because of this, can't be measured with value and it's impossible to describe in words. You just have to experience it! 

~ Marie, @frimagi_

Take me to the mini course✨
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About Celine

Celine is known as a Awakening Speaker and Soul Reader. Many also see her as a spiritual teacher with her truth speaking and soul guidance that she do in workshops, courses, podcast and social media, guiding thousands of people into their truth. Let her share more about her life in her own words:

Hi dear beautiful soul. Im so happy to share this journey with you. If you don't know me already, I would love to share a little bit about what I do. The best part about my work, is that I get to guide women into their truth and authenticity, that has been forgotten between limiting beliefs and disconnection from the body, heart and soul. Those that always tends to find me, feels they are meant for more in life, but still not accessing their full light. I have been there myself, stuck in a job, home and love life that was everything but aligned with my soul's purpose, and my heart was always searching- and longing for more. My transformation happened gradually as I was facing the wall again and again, with stages in my lifetime like health issues and traumas hunting me back, where I got "forced" to face my darkness. Through many tough stages like this, I gradually started to access more and more of my light. And I began to experience a big shift; another level of strength, light, wisdom, love, financial freedom, abundance, happiness and peace for life. 

By the time I started to trust my own truths and remember who I am without everything I was so used to follow, I experienced that true freedom, love and purpose really do exist. And my goal is to help you with exactly that - align your life with your hearts highest desire; I help you find- and live your soul's purpose, on full time. By releasing yourself from fear, insecurity and limiting beliefs, awaken your truth, step into your light as a rolemodel for the world, and come in alignment with your souls highest desire. You are meant to change the world with your strengths, love, serenity and light, and it's about time you step into your full potential; your magnetic, feminine/masculine power that makes you create- and attract everything you are longing for and those you are meant to help. I can't wait to share this transformational journey with you! Are you joining us?

Im ready to dive into my money blocks!✨